
Shropreneurs is a platform for the creation and management of online stores, promotional pages, magazines and blogs where all of them are related to a same activity or creator.

Our platform focuses on Non-Industrial products. In other words, Shopreneurs focuses on handmade products, artistic products, and unique pieces.

At Shopreneurs we pay special attention to connecting products with their creation process. To do this, users with spaces in shopreneurs not only have all the capabilities of a virtual store but they can also promote their creative activity through the production and insertion of informative content in its stores, the creation and management of magazines, and blogs.

With this in mind, Shopreneurs is the ideal space for Craftsmen, Artists, Jewelers, Shoemakers, Tailors, and the like.

Unlike other similar services, where it is the users themselves who create and modify their space, in Shopreneurs this is carried out by our specialists who, through direct communication with customers together they create the virtual space.

The above mentioned represents a great advantage for creators, because although they have total control of their products and the visuality of their spaces, they are never alone from a technical point of view, since they always have a 24x7 specialist at their disposal for any change that need.

Shopreneurs emerged as a personal development project of its founder, then other co-founders joined in and actively collaborated with the development of the platform. As the platform has developed, creators interested in publishing and managing have appeared their products in it.

Shopreneurs is currently in the process of registering as a company. The project is sustained by the individual contributions of its founders and of the first clients.

Shopreneurs is still in development and is therefore not fully open to the public. If you are an early adopter, we invite you to join the family of shopreneurs by sending a email to